Long time visitors to this website, and Bücker people in general will be well aware of Bücker Prado SA, the Albacete company that for so many years produced components, sub-assemblies and even aircraft kits. The proprietor, Snr. Jésus Ballester was quite a character who employed the services of several workers from the air force base at Albacete where the CASA 1.131s were maintained. Rumors and stories concerning exactly how certain parts became available abound.

Some people enjoyed very good service from Bücker Prado, I certainly did, while others had horrible experiences that ended up in court. Ask Gilles Tatry.

After Jésus came Juan Alonso. When he took over the reigns I heard only bad news, often very bad. He absconded with deposits and got up to all kinds of crookery.

Now comes the next generation. Jésus J. Ballester, the founder's grandson is working to rebuild the company reputation and to once again participate in the supply and maintenance of Bücker/CASA components. We have corresponded for some time during which JJB has explained that it is not fair of me to paint him with the same brush as his uncle, while I have stressed that he needs to prove that, not just talk about it. I will say, however, that Gonzalo Figueroa Dura, who is a most reliable and trustworthy CASA supplier tells me he knows JJB and that he can be trusted. I find that encouraging.

Here is an email I have just received from Jésus. Perhaps we will have another source of parts, particularly from CASA aircraft.

My name is Jesús J. Ballester, grandson of the late and, from what he told me, dear friend of yours. I am contacting you again to share exciting news related to our dedication to aviation and, in particular, to the fascinating world of the Bucker. Since our last communication, which has been quite some time, we have continued to work tirelessly to meet the needs of the most demanding Bucker users, implementing a renewed approach through our new working model.
In our constant pursuit of excellence, we are pleased to inform you that we have introduced significant innovations in our operation, with an emphasis on loyalty, quality and transparency. We are committed to delivering services that exceed expectations, ensuring that every project we undertake reflects not only our technical expertise, but also our passion for perfection.
This revitalised approach not only focuses on efficiency and technical precision, but also underlines our firm belief in the importance of customer loyalty and satisfaction, using original Spanish Army tooling and drawings as well as Bucker Prado mechanics. We are convinced that this model will not only enhance our customers' experience, but also consolidate our position as a leading supplier of spare parts for the most demanding aviation enthusiasts.
Before I continue, I would like to address a sensitive issue I have noticed on your website about Juan Alonso Ballester. We understand that you have become aware of a problem related to my uncle Juan Alonso, specifically linked to watch-related issues and accusations of swindling. I want to be completely transparent about this and state firmly that we deeply regret any inconvenience or discomfort that this incident may have caused.
It is essential to stress that our contact with my uncle Juan Alonso has been non-existent for many years. We wish to distance ourselves completely from any situation or action that may have adversely affected the people involved. We recognise the seriousness of this matter and wish to assure you and your audience that Juan Alonso has no connection with our current project and has played no role in our operations.
We sincerely apologise for any confusion or concern this incident may have caused. We would like to reiterate our commitment to integrity, ethics and transparency in all our activities. Our goal is to build a relationship of trust with our customers and partners, and we will work diligently to maintain and strengthen that trust in the future.
In addition, we would like to express our appreciation for the opportunity to collaborate with you in disseminating this exciting news through your respected blog. We firmly believe that your audience will appreciate learning about the latest innovations in the world of Bucker and how we are raising the bar in terms of quality and commitment.
We would be pleased to be listed on your website as a supplier with our website www.jbpbucker.com In addition, we would like to offer you and your followers a special benefit: for every customer that comes from you using the code #steve10, you will enjoy a 10% discount on their orders. We thank you for your continued dedication to aviation and look forward to sharing more details about our initiatives in future collaborations. We remain at your disposal for any further enquiries and send you our warmest regards.
Yours sincerely,
Jesús J. Ballester
Jesús J. Ballester 
Nave 77 Pol .Monte-Aragón
02520 ESPAÑA