Important notice
Please remember that people from all over the world read and post on this forum, and that every country has its own rules, regulations and standards. This forum is based in the USA and so much of the information posted here is for the benefit of people who operate aircraft in the experimental/exhibition or experimental/racing categories. Advice given on this forum may be region specific. A person from Europe, for example, may make suggestions perfectly appropriate for a U.S reader, although not acceptable in his home country!

Please take this into account and carefully consult the authorities, standards and approved documentation where you fly.
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    |- Search > Posts by philippe > Search Results
# Topic Author Replies Views Last Post
building RF4
Created: 11-10-2009.
philippe 4 5627
12-19-2009 10:57 PM
by philippe
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Cowling RF4D with 1600 or larger engine
Created: 04-13-2009.
Collin 11 9309
01-09-2010 08:54 PM
by Bob Grimstead
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Covering the RF-4 fuselage with Fiberglass
Created: 11-12-2009. Pages: 1, 2
Bob Brock 35 20937
01-25-2010 11:21 PM
by Bob Brock
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RF-4D Plans and wood parts
Created: 03-07-2009.
Dan Rihn 14 17507
10-23-2009 07:43 AM
by Jorgen
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The RF7
Created: 02-04-2009.
Bob Grimstead 23 27078
06-05-2017 04:21 AM
by Bob Grimstead
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