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# Topic Author Replies Views Last Post
Prop lost inflight
Created: 03-12-2023.
Bob Brock 3 96662
03-14-2023 04:55 AM
by Fredrik S
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Zenith 28 RXZ carburettor
Created: 10-25-2006. Pages: 1, 2
dannparks 49 199855
01-25-2023 10:06 PM
by Bob Grimstead
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Wheel brake cable
Created: 10-16-2022.
SteveBeaver 9 53045
11-03-2022 10:27 PM
by SteveBeaver
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Landing gear bungees
Created: 05-06-2022. Pages: 1, 2
SteveBeaver 30 132496
07-05-2023 07:14 PM
by D. Porter
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Created: 09-23-2022.
Jorgen 5 78863
08-12-2023 10:04 AM
by Bob Grimstead
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Info on RF-3s
Created: 08-25-2021.
randja.luka 4 32483
09-01-2021 08:12 AM
by Bob Grimstead
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Who else is not flying with a Rectimo or Limbach engine in t...
Created: 04-23-2021.
Fredrik S 8 31776
05-17-2021 03:03 AM
by Fredrik S
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Early type certificate numbers
Created: 01-24-2021.
Donald 4 26007
02-18-2021 04:03 PM
by Donald
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2020 Fournier Flying
Created: 01-20-2020.
Bob Grimstead 16 27858
12-30-2020 03:55 AM
by Donald
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A smoke system for less than $100
Created: 07-07-2020.
Bob Grimstead 29 112190
11-13-2020 11:01 PM
by Bob Grimstead
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Springsoaring 2020
Created: 06-19-2020.
Jorgen 5 43704
10-14-2020 05:16 AM
by Donald
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Zig Zag Tape RF5B Rudder
Created: 10-08-2020.
Collin 1 35459
10-08-2020 03:38 PM
by Donald
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Vion Compass Type 112
Created: 11-21-2017.
Collin 14 53783
08-28-2020 10:19 AM
by Jorgen
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fuel shut-off leak... how to take unit apart?
Created: 05-02-2012.
Bob Brock 17 75321
07-08-2024 01:28 PM
by JamesH
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Loose cowling fastener repair
Created: 05-13-2020.
Bob Grimstead 7 39910
07-31-2020 11:36 PM
by Bob Grimstead
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German Fourniers
Created: 04-20-2020.
Graham D 5 23550
04-23-2020 04:41 PM
by Donald
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A nice avalanche dissected
Created: 04-18-2020.
Bob Grimstead 7 43321
04-21-2020 08:52 PM
by Bob Grimstead
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RF47 Article by Bob Grimstead
Created: 03-02-2020.
Collin 6 49379
05-07-2020 07:51 AM
by SteveBeaver
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Magneto switch source / replacement
Created: 10-06-2019.
Donald 1 24654
03-19-2020 08:04 AM
by Donald
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Do not go gentle into that good night
Created: 02-29-2020.
SteveBeaver 7 55899
04-06-2020 07:45 PM
by SteveBeaver
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Fournier RF4D s/n 4055 formerly G-AWBJ now SE-UJC
Created: 09-17-2019.
Fredrik S 3 31896
09-29-2019 04:31 PM
by Bob Grimstead
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Elevated oil temp
Created: 08-27-2019.
bodemory 12 36107
03-21-2020 11:05 AM
by bodemory
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Vintage World Aerobatic Championships
Created: 08-19-2019.
SteveBeaver 16 49501
08-24-2019 01:07 PM
by SteveBeaver
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Created: 04-21-2018.
Jorgen 23 48564
01-27-2019 06:27 PM
by Jorgen
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Another excellent Grimstead article
Created: 01-10-2019.
SteveBeaver 2 32840
01-13-2019 07:13 PM
by Bob Grimstead
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Prop bolt torque settings
Created: 11-10-2018.
Donald 8 31708
12-16-2018 06:44 PM
by Bob Grimstead
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RF4D share for sale Britain
Created: 12-07-2018.
Bob Grimstead 3 26539
12-08-2018 09:06 PM
by Bob Grimstead
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Fournier RF6B No7 G-BLWH, previously F-GADF
Created: 09-29-2018.
Bob Grimstead 10 75436
12-19-2022 09:47 AM
by Bob Grimstead
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Wanted - RF3 prop
Created: 09-16-2018.
Donald 5 26752
09-21-2018 03:26 AM
by Donald
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Mira Slovak Book
Created: 08-09-2018.
Collin 7 50106
09-28-2018 05:29 AM
by Bob Grimstead
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