Michał Malinowski wrote with some information about what AirRes is up to at their facility in Poland.

Firstly the Price "American Jungmeister". One of the best known Price Jungmeisters was built by John Nyquist in Texas. Each of the Jungmiesters built from Frank Price's plans and parts is a little different. This one was fitted with a Lycoming O-360 and a particularly attractive cowling (in my opinion). When he reached the end of his flying career, John sold the aircraft to Ben Morphew, who owned it for a few years before selling it to Howard Davenport. (I often wish I had bought it :) )

Howard moved the aircraft to Africa where it remained after he had to return to the USA for medical treatment. Last year, AirRes acquired the aircraft and transported it to Poland for restoration. As these pictures show, it is coming along nicely. (Two of the pictures show the a/c as John built it. AirRes intend to replicate that color scheme)

AirRes have two new Jungmann available for delivery, each with a brand new LOM332AK engines. The links below will take you to some photo albums that detial both aircraft.



Finally, Michal says that AirRes have two new LOM332 engines and 30 ENMA Tigres. They are in the process of obtaining approval to overhaul the Tigres.

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