However; in attempting to make the new doors, I became very frustrated in the geometry of the hooks and the top edge bead of the door. It is really hard to make a true round loop centered at the top of the sheet metal, rather than an offset question mark. This made getting the proper position of the hooks for the doors very difficult if not impossible as per original. I was just not pleased with the look of the new doors.
I had a friend of mine go to work on figuring out how to make a set of correct blanks that would replicate the original doors. He finished them up this week and I picked them up today. I have attached a few pix of the finished product. To say the least…they are a perfect replication. The ‘loop’ edge is perfectly centered over the sheet metal, the radius is exactly the same as original.
The parts are .025. the ID of the beaded edge is 3/8 inch.
The fellow that made these blanks said he would make more if anyone is interested.