I have distributed about 25 copies of the fitting failure report. Please email me if you operate a Jungmann and don't yet have one. I have also received a very interesting analysis of the failure from M.A. Talaya of Bucker Ingenieria in Spain. Please click the "Downloads" link at left and look in the manuals and troubleshooting section, or just click HERE  for the Spanish version and HERE for the same document in English.

This is a very useful document that among other things explains that:
  1. the fittings can be installed on the wrong wings, the left on the right and vice-versa
  2. the spars in the subject aircraft are built from two laminations so may be less strong that those made with 4
  3. the subject aircraft should not really be considered a Bucker since it was constructed by an amateur
In this case, the fittings were on the correct wings which were contructed from origanl plans and from Spanish harware, and it is not possible to assess the strength of the wings without knowing a lot more about the materials used.

There is a LOT of very valuable and potentially life saving information as well as interesting history in this report and I thank Snr. Talaya for his time in making it available.
