There has been quite a flood of people registering at this website recently (we have about 300 active participants now), one of whom was Philip Gaze, the proud custodian of G-BUCC, a CASA 1131/Jungmann based on the South coast of England.

Philip said: "I have attached a picture which a very good flying buddy gave me for my recent 60th birthday ...

The picture is inscribed:

In a Jungmann:
One greaser job landing is made up of 50% luck.
Two in a row is down to pure luck.
Three in a row and someone is lying.

Well whatever the landing it is a privilege to own and a joy to fly."

The spectacular paint scheme on Philip's Jungmann was painted by Vintage Fabrics Ltd. You can find pictures of their work here: Vintage Fabrics.


Thank you for sharing this Philip!