I very much enjoy maintaining this website, particularly the correspondence that results from it. Every day I receive interesting emails fom all around the world and have had the pleasure of making many new acquaintances. Sometimes though, it is less pleasurable.

One of the tasks that has to be performed is protecting the site from those who would seek to break it, or take advantage of it. Literally every day, several dozen people try to hack into the site and have to be blocked. At one time, the site was susceptible to automated (robot) sign-ups and the placement of Cialis/Viagra/Cigarette advertising, but that went away when I installed the Captcha system, requiring people to type in an obfuscated word that is displayed when signing up.

Now things are changing again. Having foiled the automated systems, an increasing number of humans attempt to register here and place unwanted material on the site. Three of four times a day, people sign up for the website and I get an email message telling me so. I take the credentials they have provided and do some research, starting with the list of known offenders published on www.forumspam.com, and then block/delete them. Unfortunately this is now becoming burdensome.

For the time being, I have removed the ability for new members to sign up, and will soon publish instructions here that will invite people who want to join the fun to just email me. I will then add an account manually.

I think it is proper that this website has sections that are limited to people with a genuine interest in Buckers. Pictures, magazine articles, technical documents and the forum, it seems to me, should not be exposed to the world at large. That is why a login is required.

If you disagree with any of the above, or have comments or suggestions, please let me know.
