We had the last warm autumn days here in Germany and completed a good part of the flight test program with our light sport prototype “OK-RUD” of the Jungmann.
Two owners of CASA and Dornier Jungmanns had the chance to become part of the testflight team. Both stated the handling and performance of the FK131 is pretty much identic compared to a original 105hp Hirth powered 131B or D version!

A nice formation flight last Friday together with a 105hp Minor powered Jungmann and a 145hp Stampe proved that all three planes were showing the same performance in cruise and in climb!
The next two FK131 Jungmanns will become ready for delivery in next weeks and all our focus is on production now in the nearby winter season…
Peter Funk
B&F Technik Vertriebs GmbH
Design, Certification and Customer Service for FK Aircraft
Anton Dengler Strasse 8
D-67346 Speyer